1 object
一個 (ikko)
2 objects
二個 (niko)
3 objects
三個 (sanko)
4 objects
四個 (yonko)
5 objects
五個 (goko)
6 objects
六個 (rokko)
7 objects
七個 (nanako)
8 objects
八個 (hakko)/(hachiko)
9 objects
九個 (kyuuko)
10 objects
十個 (jukko)
1 flat object
一枚 (ichimai)
2 flat objects
二枚 (nimai)
3 flat objects
三枚 (sanmai)
4 flat objects
四枚 (yonmai)
5 flat objects
五枚 (gomai)
6 flat objects
六枚 (rokumai)
7 flat objects
七枚 (nanamai)
8 flat objects
八枚 (hachimai)
9 flat objects
九枚 (kyuumai)
10 flat objects
十枚 (juumai)
1 person
一人 (hitori)
2 people
二人 (futari)
3 people
三人 (sannin)
4 people
四人 (yonnin)
5 people
五人 (gonin)
6 people
六人 (rokunin)
7 people
七人 (nananin)
8 people
八人 (hachinin)
9 people
九人 (kyuunin)
10 people
十人 (juunin)
1 year old
一歳 (issai)
2 years old
二歳 (nisai)
3 years old
三歳 (sansai)
4 years old
四歳 (yonsai)
5 years old
五歳 (gosai)
6 years old
六歳 (rokusai)
7 years old
七歳 (nanasai)
8 years old
八歳 (hassai)
9 years old
九歳 (kyuusai)
10 years old
十歳 (jussai)
20 years old
二十歳 (hatachi)
Copyright © 2024 Little Book of Japan
Objects that attract or summon spirits while simultaneously providing them with a temporary residing place according to the Shinto belief system.
Japanese people have believed that spirits reside in the evergreen tress and bamboo for thousands of years.
State your name, age and nationality
Ask for and understand simple directions
State things that like doing (i.e running, reading, studying, etc.)
Ask Japanese people about their English language ability, and communicate your Japanese ability